The Fault in your fairytale…

Now let me be very clear, just because you have had your heart broken once, twice or a few times does not mean that real love does not exist. Now this might upset a few girls but let me share a truth with you that you will never acknowledge to yourself or to the public for that matter. The truth is, is that you know very quickly in a relationship whether this is the man for you or not. Unfortunately we do this thing where we try to work at it even though we know deep down that it will never be the way it should. Maybe the guy has money, or he is hot but we always find a way to look passed the “Idiot” sign and we try to make him what we believe he can be.
If this is the case and your relationship falls apart I do not feel sorry for you. I felt very sorry for myself when I went through the process of ending a relationship that I thought was the one that I wanted. Now looking back I am convinced that I made the right choice even though it hurt like hell at the time. This is something women do. We try to create this movie moment, drama, sadness, tension and redemption. We leave hoping for the guy to run after us and to our dismay the guy has no idea what this is or what we want so he ends up calling a friend, getting blind drunk and you are running like the wind because he will be coming for you. We are crazy! It’s confusing to say the least. We eventually see that the novelty of this scene wears off then we feel like complete idiots.
We are taught from a very young age how a prince must come and save us. My question is: save us from what exactly? Life? Ourselves? Our wacky minds? Women can take the romance thing so seriously that the relationship they are in becomes like a marine core exercise for men. Do you really need flowers once a week to feel like you are worth something? Do you really need to be told everyday all day that you are the only one?
This is embarrassing to say the least. Our self-esteem radar is off the charts. Why do we want men to constantly swoon and be like little puppies? Really? Is that true love? Is that fairytale love?
Firstly – Why do we need saving? Can’t we save ourselves? Secondly we are so focused on the “Right” man that we don’t even care to think to be the right woman for our dream man. We can be self-centered when it comes to love. Have you even stopped to wonder that maybe a man is looking for a princess? That maybe a man actually also has a heart and feelings, hopes and dreams? Not? Well maybe miss self- involved – YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT THAT. I wouldn’t save a high maintenance, needy, can’t do anything for myself woman? Who in their right mind would do that?
Now please don’t get me wrong I am not against women and their hopes and dreams when it comes to love. I am talking because I was the crazy princess with the high expectations and the rules. It is the biggest load of BS on earth. People, I was next level crazy and I feel like I made more mistakes than what I care to take responsibility for.
We stomp our feet and cry when we don’t get it all.
I am living my fairytale. There has been the odd mud in the shoe and the hooked dress but nevertheless I have found what I was looking for without realizing that it really does exist. I would have never found it if I didn’t just step back from this crazy fairytale idea and just took a breath. I would never have found it if I didn’t calm down, packed the crazy away and just became a likeable woman. I wouldn’t have found it if I didn’t take the time to consider the other person and their hopes and dreams.
The fairytale in your mind is ill written. A fairytale when it comes to a marriage is where two people write their story together every day. Why once we meet the person that is our soul mate we tend to stop falling in love every day, we stop seeing him as our hero and we are wrong to do that. Real love is not hard work. It’s not a chore. It isn’t something that you have to convince yourself off every day. Real love is Respect and admiration. That is what princesses do by the way. They Respect and admire their prince. So admire away and respect like no other. Your man will be your prince if you allow him to. If you are all demanding you are going to end up with one shoe and no one looking for you
Instead of wondering why you are not getting your fairytale why don’t you just enjoy your life and find your place in the world. Besides, your prince won’t find you if you are in the wrong castle.
Ease up on the pressure for perfect. If you don’t, you will be disappointed time and time again. There is no perfect anything. We are just a bunch of crazy princesses in a boring world!

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